Hole Be

all week I did wait for the bruise
in the ceiling to harden so this morning the super
could spoon the rot
into a trash bag and from the top of his ladder
spackle fresh plaster above
the little tree in our room my husband drags
sometimes into the shower a furious
baptism to ward off white flies I plum forgot
the soul was even a thing until I read a line
in Lucie's book last night the soul like a trinket be
I saw something then a ghost the light
of my bathwater knelt
upon the wall an instance of weight
my hair submerged in that deep
strained to rise

MRB Chelko is the recipient of a 2013 Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship for Manhattations. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals including: AGNI Online; Forklift, Ohio; Indiana Review; Poetry International; and Washington Square Review. Her other chapbooks are The World after Czeslaw Milosz (Dream Horse Press, 2012) and What to Tell the Sleeping Babies (sunnyoutside, 2010). Chelko holds an MFA in Poetry from The University of New Hampshire. She lives in Central Harlem.