Seeing Double, Seeing Stars

See instructions on right cover to remove. See back panel for complete list of kit contents. For other uses, see fine print. See reverse side for details. See if you can grab the little green amulet when his back is turned. Did you see that? Please see attachment. See to it that no bitter root, springing up, causes trouble. You see, we can only slide into our trench coats and amble out into the rain. See San Francisco in style. See full-length Feature Films online for free. Like seeing the moon through a wet frond in an ancient Chinese poem. Seeing as the light shines through her splayed fingers, through his pale-veined cock. See how painless that was? When she left, slinking into the dark of a canopied rickshaw, I'd hoped that she would see me on my balcony, reading The Unconsoled, as though our whole liaison had meant nothing to me. See memo (enclosed) for more information. For unit specifications, see Appendix 2-B. The exiled general's last attempt at intimacy: grasping the waitress's thin wrist as she sets down his coffee. Excuse me, sir, I cannot permit you to reenter—this ticket has expired, see? Your mother or grandmother will be here to pick you up shortly. Try to see the concrete wall as a kind of refuge. See if you can stand outside yourself, as outside a black curtain, without peeking in.

Jaydn DeWald lives with his wife and daughter in San Francisco, where he teaches at San Francisco State University and plays bass for the DeWald/Taylor Quintet. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Beloit Poetry Journal, The Common, december, Poet Lore, Spillway, and many others.